Friday, June 29, 2012

Unusual Bridges For Animals - Wildlife Overpasses

Wildlife overpasses, green bridges, and ecoducts all refer to structures that have been built over roads to allow wildlife to cross safely to the other side of the road. The bridges are for the animals; the animals walk over the road, and the vehicles go through the structure. Most of the structures are between 10 m (30 ft) and 60 m (180 ft) wide. They typically have soil, litter, and vegetation on top to provide suitable habitat for a range of different species and species groups. The larger structures are typically intended for large mammals ranging from ungulates (e.g. deer, elk, moose) to large carnivores (e.g. black bear, grizzly bear, Canada lynx, wolverine, wolf). Here are pictures of some of the most beautiful and interesting wildlife overpasses in the world. [link]
Wildlife Overpass, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada In Banff National Park, there are currently 41 wildlife crossing structures (6 overpasses and 35 underpasses) that help wildlife safely cross the busy Trans-Canada Highway. Since monitoring began in 1996, 11 species of large mammals—including bears, elk and cougar—have used crossing structures more than 200,000 times. [ link1link2]
Wildlife Overpass, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada  link
Ecoduct in Netherlands; The Netherlands was one of the first countries to deploy a network of wildlife crossings across the landscape.  link
 Ecoduct De Woeste Hoeve over the highway A50, Netherlands; The Netherlands contains an impressive display of over 600 wildlife crossings (including underpasses and ecoducts) that have been used to protect populations of wild boar, red deer, roe deer, and the endangered European badger. [link1link2]
Ecoduct (wildlife bridge) on highway A1 through nature area the Veluwe, the Netherlands.  link
Green bridge over the A20 near Grevesmühlen, Germany link
"Animal bridge" in Montana, USA  link
Ecoduct in France  link
Aerial view of the wildlife overpass, Location unknown  link
Wildlife overpass near Keechelus Lake, Washington, USA  link
Wildlife overpass covered with vegetation; Location unknown  link
Aerial view of the wildlife overpass; Location unknown  link
Wildlife crossing over Compton Rd (SR30) at Kuraby near Karawatha Forest, Queensland, Australia  link
Ecoduct The Borkeld, Netherlands  link
Green bridge over the highway 464 near Boeblingen, Germany  link
Satellite image of the wildlife overpass; Location unknown  link
Unusual overpass for crabs: Red crabs climb over an overpass to cross a road on Christmas Island during their migration. (Christmas Island National Park, Australia)  link
Also, if you like wildness, check out this interesting site - Deep Jungle Home.
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  1. Nice, except the one over I-90 in Washington hasn't been built yet, that's photoshop. Hopefully it'll be there in 2014.

  2. That is so beautiful! Also slightly sad that we have to do this :(

  3. In India We also need such passes near our national parks and animal reserves to avoid the vehicular collisions causing deaths of precious animals but the chances are remote as our dirty politicians will not get toll for unlimited time from these animals

    1. It is one of us, people like you and me, who must get into action about such ideas.
      Maybe we can make good and even better politicians and take over from those dirty politicians?
      Isnt it upto us?

  4. Amazing to see these I did not know of these.

  5. This is so beautiful! Imagine the lives it save not only wildlife but humans too. :0) We should implement these everywhere.

  6. Smart transportation planners of the world, thank-you.

  7. When will the US take care of its animals or is it a democratic andevor???
    We are all part of the problem we should all be part of the solution like many other aspect of our lives.

  8. We also have some rope-style bridges across highways in Australia for climbing animals. Not as inspiring to look at as these examples, but effective nonetheless.

  9. in mexico we're light years behind. :(

  10. Come on Aussies! Our animals need your help too. These are brilliant and should be put in many places and will assist in creating and preserving wildlife corridors.

  11. Kind of a cool idea, too bad animals don't understand the concept, oh and do that thing they do....wander.

    1. That's why fencing along the highway is an essential component of any wildlife passage.
      And yes, many animals understand the concept very well.
      Peter Paul (who lived halfway between the A1 and A50 ecoducts in the Netherlands for a couple of years)

  12. This is the mean of HEAVEN and message of the GOD.

  13. The unknown before the Australian one is this ecoduct in the Netherlands It is also the same as the one over A1, Veluwe, pictured 5th.

    The 3th and 4th picture is also of the same ecoduct. It's the oldest in the Netherlands, 1987. The 3th picture is taken right after completion.

  14. Why isn't this used everywhere. Even in areas where the deer population is high in city and suburbs.
    Love that they all are green. Trees help animals take cover, so should be used, and straight across, not huge curves to climb.
    Insurance companies should get on board, for all the claims they get related to animals.

  15. This is the height of concern ..for animals

  16. These are the very nice things you can do when you have lots of money...

  17. Nice things that people made for animal..I did not know until I reaf this ..tq for the precious info..

  18. When the world economy collapses, The hungry will gravitate to these man made penstocks.

  19. Did they make sure to provide animal crossing signs so that they know where to go? Bwahahahahaha


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